Chambers Ireland welcomes nomination of Phil Hogan as EU Trade Commissioner
Chambers Ireland welcomes the nomination of Phil Hogan, by the European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen, as the EU’s next Trade Commissioner.
Speaking today, Chambers Ireland chief executive Ian Talbot wished the new Commissioner well and urged him to continue the advancement of a progressive SME-friendly trade agenda on behalf of the EU.
“Commissioner Hogan brings great experience to the role from his previous portfolio as Commissioner for Agriculture, particularly from his work in supporting the conclusion of recent trade deals, including between the EU and Japan.
Commissioner Hogan takes on this position at a crucial moment, with global trade tensions on the rise.
The UK’s impending departure from the EU also poses major challenges for Ireland’s trade prospects. As a small, open trading economy, we call on the Commissioner to continue the expansion of comprehensive trade agreements with new markets, that are accessible to SMEs.
Closer to home, we call on Government to continue its support for more progressive rules-based trade agreements and we also call on them to provide more support for SMEs to make the most on the EU’s global trading relationships.
In our pre-Budget submission, we have called for the development of an Action Plan for Trade Deals, where Government departments and agencies are supplied with additional resources to support indigenous business in accessing EU FTAs, such as CETA, EU-Japan, and EU-Korea."
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