On Wednesday last, the Belgian Ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Pierre-Emmanuel De Bauw accompanied by the Trade Commissioner, Mr. Jacques Vanhoucke of the Belgian Embassy made an extensive visit to Drogheda, holding meetings with the management of the Boyne Valley Group and the Drogheda Port Authority.
Later, they travelled to the offices of Drogheda and District Chamber where they were welcomed by a delegation led by Mayor Paul Bell; Louth Co.Council CEO, Joan Martin and Shona McManus, President of Drogheda and District Chamber. Also present were Chamber Vice President Robert Murray; Brian Hanratty and Irene McKeown.
“We made a detailed presentation to our Belgian guests on the attractiveness of Drogheda as a centre for investment and I believe that the Ambassador and the Trade Commissioner were very impressed with their visit and what Drogheda can offer. We will be maintaining contact with them as part of the Chamber’s programme of engaging with key embassies in the run up to Brexit,” said Shona McManus, who added “any local businesses planning to commence trade with Belgium should contact the Chamber who will be happy to provide assistance.”
The Ambassador’s visit was most informative and discussions with their Trade Commissioner covered their interest in seeking local markets for Belgian products and services. Also discussed was Drogheda’s strategic location and excellent infrastructure for Belgian companies considering setting up in Ireland.
“Our visit to Drogheda was very informative, and we had a very substantial and productive exchange of views on our visit to Drogheda and District Chamber with many business synergies in sight and the possibility of a follow-up familiarization visit,” concluded Ambassador De Bauw.
Further information from Drogheda & District Chamber 041 983 3544