During the Global Financial Crisis, in 2010, the Drogheda Motor Dealers launched their first motor show, in an effort to stimulate new car purchasing. This ‘Brand New Drive’ event took place in a modified vacant industrial unit at the Drogheda Retail Park. The then Minister for Transport, Noel Dempsey, opened the show that was supported greatly by the local public at the time. During that cold weekend in November, 89 new cars were sold. The local support saved many businesses and jobs at a time of crisis. Last year, the motor dealers held their 9th annual show – on a sunny Laurence Street in June.
Over the years, the motor dealers have brought this special event to local audiences, supported by First Citizen Finance, the Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI) and the Drogheda & District Chamber. Each year, the show supports other local businesses and organisations by choosing local suppliers every time to deliver the event - be that designers, printers, venues, media etc. This has been a key aspect of the initiative as Cathy Malone of Malone’s Toyota Drogheda explains, “We are local businesses and we understand the importance of supporting each other, even though we compete against each other. As we now prepare our showrooms for the future, in a post COVID-19 world, we’re asking the local public to assist us in making better decisions that will help improve their car buying experience.’
Today, the motor dealers have launched an online survey, called ‘Driving positive change’, that will run until Friday 1st May. They are asking the local general public to support the survey and one lucky person will win a €250 local business gift voucher of their choice for answering the short online questionnaire.
To complete the survey, simply follow Drogheda Motor Show / #BrandNewDrive on social media or click on this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BrandNewDrive2020
Complete the survey and be in with a chance to WIN a Voucher €250 … closing date 1 May
The franchised new car dealers of Drogheda, representing 18 marques, are Malone’s Toyota Drogheda, Western Motors, Smiths of Drogheda, Drogheda Car Sales, McCabe Car Sales, Blackstone Motors, Windsor Drogheda Peugeot, Colm Quinn BMW & MINI Drogheda, Brian Reynolds Car Sales, Jack Doran Motors, John McCabe Nissan and Conachy’s Garage.
For further details:
Contact Robert Murray on 087 798 5140.