Following the publication of the survey results from the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation highlighting the level of Brexit preparation among Irish businesses, Chambers Ireland continues to urge businesses across different sectors to review and prepare for the potential impact of the UK’s departure from the EU and to use the transition period time-frame to prepare in 2020.
Commenting on the results this afternoon, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive Ian Talbot said,
“It’s encouraging to see a sharp increase in the number of businesses putting Brexit higher on their internal agendas, particularly among exporters to the UK, on key issues such as supply chains and customs, as well as a growing awareness of potential business exposure to Brexit generally.
However, with only a minority of businesses having confirmed as actually having taken action to address Brexit impacts and a low percentage of SME importers and exporters planning to engage with a customs agent, it’s clear that much more can and must be done.
With the UK General Election resulting in a Parliament majority for Prime Minister Johnson’s Government, EU leaders are ready to engage with the British Government to meet the 31st January deadline for the UK’s departure from the bloc and to begin the transition period.
We urge all businesses to use the transition period’s time-frame of up to 31st December 2020 to prepare for Brexit impacts and review the relevant administration and customs procedures before the UK exits the EU’s customs union and single market.
We call on businesses to continue to avail of information and Brexit supports from the Irish government and state bodies, and to review the resources and guides available through the Brexit section of the Chambers Ireland website.”
For further information please contact Gabriel Doran, Communications & Media Executive on 01 400 4331, 086 608 1605 or email