AdareHuman Resource Management HR Barometer Pulse Survey 2023
As a key Strategic HR Partner of Drogheda Chamber of Commerce, Adare Human Resource Management is calling on Chamber members to take part in their HR Barometer Pulse Survey 2023, this time taking the pulse on key and specific areas to ensure you are provided with the most comprehensive research analysing the impacts, challenges and opportunities within the HR and Employment Law landscape in Ireland, and we invite you to participate.
The final HR Barometer Pulse Key Findings will containin sights into the current employment landscape and how it is affecting HR Metrics, Employee Health & Wellbeing, Pay as well as Conflict & Disputes, making it a must-have for all HR Practitioners.
So, what are the priorities directing your People Management Strategy for 2023?
Adare Human Resource Management want to hear from Organisations with 20+Employees.
By taking part in the HR Barometer Pulse Survey, you will help provide an accurate analysis of the key trends influencing the employment landscape, which you can use to benchmark against your own Organisation.
These insights will provide real time data and metrics, help guide you and support the review and development of your People Strategies, remaining agile in this everchanging landscape.
As a Drogheda Chamber member, you can have your say and participate in the HR Barometer Pulse Survey.
You can take part in the survey here.
The survey will take 8-10 mins to complete. All responses are anonymised.
The closing date is Friday, 12th May 2023.
All participants will receive access to the final HRBarometer Pulse 7.1 Key Findings.
Adare Human Resource Management is a team of expert-ledEmployment Law, Industrial Relations and best practice Human Resource Management
consultants. For more information go to www.adarehrm.ie or call (01) 561 3594 or email info@adarehrm.ie.