Dublin Airport. Just over 5.7 million passengers have travelled through Dublin Airport in the first seven months of this year, whis=ch is 70% decrease compared to the same period last year. The impact of COVID-19 has resulted in 13.5 million fewer passengers using Dublin Airport so far this year.
A new consultation process on the next national action plan for apprenticeship has launched. Submissions in response to the consultation are invited via email to apprenticeshipactionplan@education.gov.ie by Friday 18 September 2020. http://www.apprenticeship.ie/Documents/ApprenticeshipConsultationJULY2020.pdf
A new €5.5m COVID-19 Online Retail Scheme has been launched in response to the Covid-19 crisis & the urgent need for retail companies to achieve a step change in online capability - it will open on 31 August 2020. Successful applicants will be awarded funding to support a maximum of 80% of the project eligible costs with a maximum grant of €40,000
More information here; https://www.enterprise-ireland.com/en/funding-supports/Online-Retail/Online-Retail-Scheme/
The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is asking businesses for their input on a new survey, part of the Irish Business and Biodiversity Project, which is examining how business contribution to Ireland’s national biodiversity objectives can be enhanced. https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/LYC756/
Champion Green, New Small Businesses SOS Webinar Wednesday 26th August at 10AM - the campaign to support local businesses across the country to help our communities recover, 40 minutes of practical actionable business advice from the champions of small business. Select https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_765uw9YUTFueIxS_tk8qDA
FREE Energy Audits for SME’s; The SPEEDIER project, co-funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, is offering free energy audits for manufacturing SMEs that could reduce annual energy costs by 10%. Contact padraic.oreilly@lit.ie
Enterprise Support Grant for the Self-Employed
A new Enterprise Support Grant has been announced to assist eligible self-employed recipients who close their COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment on or after 18th May 2020.
This will provide business owners with a once-off grant of up to €1,000 to re-start their business which was closed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Select https://www.gov.ie/en/service/739f3-enterprise-support-grant-for-buisnesses-impacted-by-covid-19/
The Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) will replace the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) from 1 September 2020. The EWSS provides a flat-rate subsidy to qualifying employers based on the numbers of paid & eligible employees on their payroll. Click the button below for guidelines on the operation of the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme https://www.revenue.ie/en/corporate/communications/documents/ewss-guidelines.pdf