Drogheda Chamber Member Spotlight
Q. Tell us about your business and what you do?
My businessis Anne Mangan Teen Career Development. I’m a Registered Career Development
Practitioner, helping teenagers and young adults figure out what they want to do in the next phase of their lives.
Many teenagers feel stressed and anxious about making course and career decisions, while many parents are concerned that their teen might make decisions that they later regret. My job is to help the teenager make informed course and career decisions, while including parents on the journey. I do this through One-to-One coaching & mentoring sessions.
I also provide educational seminars for parents of senior cycle secondary students, so that
they can empower their teens make course and career decisions that are right for them.
Q. What do you think has been your biggest achievement with the business?
In a sector, largely based within the secondary school system, my biggest achievement has been differentiating myself and my approach to supporting teenagers.
Drawing on my background in educating healthcare professionals, I see the value of supporting teenagers become independent learners, capable of making informed course and career decisions. It’s their first venture in what will hopefully be a long, interesting journey.
It is widely acknowledged that students currently in the education system face a far more challenging than their predecessors. The World of Work has changed dramatically. Workers must view their career and their life as one. They need many skills, one of the most important being decision-making and taking action.
My approach - I never tell them what they should do. Instead, I help them view their first career decision as a project. I provide the structure and hold their hand as they develop the knowledge and skills that they need to figure out what they want to do after finishing school and how to go about it. For students wishing to progress to Higher Education, the goal is CONFIDENCE –
confidence that their list of CAO courses are well researched, listed in order of priority, and include a workable Plan B; confidence that they would be happy accepting any course on their CAO list.
Q. Tell us one thing people might not know about the business.
Since COVID,many teenagers experience high levels of anxiety. Some have found it difficult
to return to school. As a result, their education has stalled. I help these teenagers find their way back onto a path that enables them to reengage in their education.
Q. What is the best piece of business advice you’ve ever been given?
The best piece of business advice that comes to mind is being clear about my goal, ensuring that it is a big goal, something that I haven’t done before and is therefore scary. What I particularly like about it is that the HOW can manifest in many ways. My job then is to explore the options, see what
fits and what comes easy. This links with one of my favourite quotes from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People ‘begin with the end in mind’. It helps me prioritise, see the wood from the trees. I now apply this in many areas of my life, not just business.