This update to the Brexit Contingency Action Plan takes place in the context of the
extension of the Brexit Article 50 process until 31 October 2019, which was agreed by
the European Council at its meeting on 10 April. The Conclusions of that European
Council make clear that there can be no opening of the Withdrawal Agreement, nor can
the extension be used to start negotiations on the future relationship. The EU is willing to
look again at the Political Declaration on the future relationship should the UK move on
its red lines. Following this decision of the European Council, the default withdrawal date
of the United Kingdom from the European Union is 31 October 2019 at 23:00 (Irish
time). It is the Government’s assessment that there is a significant risk of a no deal
Brexit on 31 October (or thereafter) and, accordingly, work on no deal Brexit
preparations continue to be taken forward as a matter of priority across government
departments and agencies. Read the full doc Here