From 2 June
Accommodation services (hotels, B&Bs, hostels and self-catering) Can reopen with services restricted to overnight guests
From 7 June
Visitors to your home - If you are an unvaccinated household you can have visitors from 1 other unvaccinated household inside your home. Vaccine bonus remains in place for vaccinated households
Weddings - 25 people can attend a wedding celebration or reception
Sport - Outdoor sports matches can take place
Gyms and training - Gyms, swimming pools, leisure centres can reopen for individual training only
Restaraunts and bars - Outdoor services can reopen
Driver Theory tests - 25,000 tests per month to take place
Organised outdoor events - Maximum of 100 attendees for the majority of venues. Maximum of 200 for outdoor venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000
Live events - Pilot events to take place