Irish Men's Sheds Association
Flogas, as Official Energy Partner to the Irish Men’s Sheds Association, is delighted to support its new #CallThemForACuppa campaign, just launched to encourage the public to phone those who are socially isolated during COVID-19. Many older people have socially isolated themselves to reduce the risk of contracting the virus and the Irish Men’s Sheds Association is highlighting that while people can’t call in, they can make a phone call.
Barry Sheridan, chief executive of the Irish Men’s Sheds Association, said, “We’re delighted to have Flogas as our energy partner for LPG, natural gas and electricity as we always say that the ‘kettle is the most important tool in the shed’. A key part of any day in a shed is gathering around the table, having a cup of tea and a chat. The next time you’re sitting down for a cuppa, think of someone who is at risk of social isolation and give them a call.”
Eoin O’Flynn, marketing manager, Flogas Ireland, said “We’re delighted to support this very timely initiative, as we know there are people in Ireland, especially older people, who now face weeks, perhaps months, of very limited contact with the outside world. A simple phone call has the power to make the difference to someone’s day.”