As part of our Membership Spotlight feature we recently spoke to Francis McTaggart from Fortitude Financial Planning about doing business in Drogheda. Read what Francis had to say.

1. Where did the idea come from?
It was a simple idea really. Historically, the financial advice industry in Ireland carries (sometimes correctly!) negative connotations with it. This is due to the once off transaction type nature of relationships that were the norm, and still are the norm, when dealing with banks or a corporate advisor, i.e. they get clients in the door, transact, receive a high commission and then ignore the client. Fortitude Financial Planning are relationship based, we look after our clients from the point of onboarding and we go on their long term journey with them. Our service is based around a belief that it’s about our clients, not their money and a belief that people have lifestyle goals and life plans that have financial implications.
2. What do you think has been your biggest achievement with the business?
Out with the growth we’ve had in the first three years of business, just having clients who are happy with our service and as a result of our service are feeling confident in what they are doing with
their finances and as a result are feeling more secure is a fantastic achievement in my view. We also have a significant number of Google reviews, well above the norm for our industry and client testimonials to support this.
3. How has the business had a positive impact on Drogheda and District?
With a keen interest in sports, I grew up in a community understanding the need sports clubs have for sponsorship to help them to survive and provide their facilities for the community. My kids and I
are heavily involved in local clubs Albion Rovers FC and the Glen Emmets GAA, we currently have active sponsorships with both of these clubs along with Drogheda United and the Newtown Blues. In the past we have also donated to Boyne Rovers and Chord Celtic Football Clubs and St Colmcilles GAA club.
4. Tell us one thing people might not know about the business.
I’m a qualified Certified Financial Planner and there are only circa 900 CFP® qualified individuals in Ireland and only circa 213,000 globally.
5. Who is financial planning for?
Put simply, financial planning is for anyonewho wants to manage their finances more effectively to help them achieve their life goals and experiences while being in a position to absorb a financial
6. What are the benefits of financial planning?
It helps individuals and families achieve financial stability and plan proactively for life goals and experiences. Some, but not limited to, key benefits are: improved financial security, tax
efficiency, peace of mind, educational benefits and improved financial literacy and it puts clients in a place where they can make informed decisions.
The number one cause of stress in the United States, a country with a population of 334 million people, is financial concerns which result in a negative impact on both their mental and physical
health. Proper financial planning helps individuals and families navigate these
concerns promoting overall wellbeing.
One wouldn’t jump in the car to a destination unknown without a sat nav, why take the chance with their finances? It’s 100% crazy to just wing it or think a DIY approach works.
7. What’s next for the business in Drogheda?
Continued growth via expansion of the workforce and new clients whilst continuing to provide great service.
8. What is the best piece of business adviceyou’ve ever been given?
Look after your clients! Simple and very effective.
9. Any freebies?
Go on, here’s two guides, Financial Planning for Business Owners and a Value of Financial Advice guide.