Get the opportunity to receive 1 free hour HR Consultation with our Strategic Partner Adare
Adare our Strategic HR Partner are conducting their latest HR Barometer Survey 8.2. The survey analyses the impacts, challenges, and opportunities within HR and Employment Law in Ireland, including detailed research on HR metrics, Learning & Development, Retirement & Pensions, Diversity & Inclusion, Performance Management, Pay, Working Practices, and HR priorities in 2025.
As part of Adare’s latest survey, they want to offer one member an hour’s Complimentary HR Consultation. The consultation can be on any topic of HR and Health & Safety of your choice
including key legislative topics such as, Collective Redundancy, strategic planning for 2025 or employee retention.
Adare’s survey closes this Friday, 23rdAugust. All you have to do is complete their 7-10 minute survey and you will be put into the draw for the complimentary 1 hour HR Consultation.
All completed surveys will also receive complimentary access of the HR Barometer Survey 8.2 Results and an invite to the Report Findings event at Clayton Hotel on Sir John Rogerston
Quay, which will also include a workshop related directly to the findings from the report.
Click through now to find out more information and complete the survey.