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- Helpline channels open for queries
- Louth Enterprise Office - Brexit Advisory Clinic now open. email info@leo.louthcoco.ie to book an appointment
- ENS related queries to: ENSenquiries@revenue.ie
- Systems queries to: eCustoms@revenue.ie
- PBN queries to: PBNqueries@revenue.ie
- General Brexit queries to: brexitqueries@revenue.ie
- Brexit National helpline: 017383685
External Resources
- Customs Special Procedures for Northern Ireland and Ireland.
- Archiving your trade documents in Northern Ireland and Ireland.
- VAT in Northern Ireland and Ireland.
- Brexit and the Agri-Food Sector in Northern Ireland and Ireland.
HMRC Resources
- Border Operating Model (see case studies)
- Safety and Security requirements
- A smart tool which helps to determine if you need to pay a tariff when bringing goods into Northern Ireland from GB
- Guidance on declaring goods ‘not at risk'
The UK Government postponed introducing phased import and custom controls until 2022. The first of the new UK import controls will take effect from January 1, with additional changes due on July 1, September 1 and November 1, 2022. Government has been asking businesses to examine their supply chains and ensure everyone is clear on their roles and responsibilities, including their UK customers.In addition to customs changes, the agri-food products, pre-notification for EU food consignments will need to be carried out by a UK-based importer or UK based agent acting on their behalf using the UK’s Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed Systems (IPAFFS). More InfoDecember 13th -EU-UK certification of organic productsThe Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK will respect the equivalence of the organic rules that are in place in the UK until end 2023. It does not allow equivalence to be extended to the re-labelling or re-packaging of imported products.November 29th - UK’s HMRC - Moving Goods from the EU to Great BritainBusiness exporting to or through GB needs to be aware of these changesThis contains essential information for hauliers, intermediaries and drivers using the short straits to move goods from the EU to GB from 1 January 2022. Read Document Here
Press Release from the Department of Justice: Public consultation on reform of alcohol licensing Minister McEntee has launched a public consultation on reform of alcohol licensing laws, seeking views on issues such as opening hours, online and delivery sales, licensing processes, Nighclubs, late bars – Your views on reforms to build on practices adopted during Covid, such as outdoor dining. Read Full Press Release Here
UK SPS BORDER CONTROLS - The UK Government has issued an update on its new phased approach to import controls for products of animal origin and animal by-products from the European Union.
A six-page briefing note on this is available here and includes key dates with associated changes in requirements. It also includes a list of FAQs, resources and upcoming webinars on this subject.November 17th - Brexit Import Controls Important information on Brexit import controls. Read more hereJune 22nd - Brexit Transit Declarations
A document covering customs formalities between the UK and EU since January 1, 2021 is available below.
The document was produced by France in the context of France-UK trade but is in English and may be useful to those involved in trade with the UK. Open Doc HereIRISH-GERMAN TRADE AFTER BREXIT
Zeit magazine in Germany recently profiled how German businesses are seeking to offer their Irish counterparts an EU alternative to British suppliers following Brexit (read translated article here).
If this could be of interest to your business, please contact the German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce.Videos & Slides from Annual Cross-Border Conference 2021
VIDEO: Taoiseach, Micheál Martin TD
VIDEO: NI Finance Minister, Conor Murphy MLA
SLIDES: Kerry Curran, InterTradeIreland
Looking To The Future - Opportunities For Growth
SLIDES: Thomas McEvoy, Louth Local Enterprise Office
Supports Available To Louth SMEs
SLIDES: Robert McConnell, Pinnacle Growth Group
Managing North-South Supply Chains
SLIDES: Oliver Mangan, Chief Economist, AIB
Vaccine Powered Economic Rebound Expected
SLIDES: Emma Kerins, Chambers Ireland
Building The Cross-Border Economy
SLIDES: Deirdre Maguire, InterTradeIreland
Supports Available From InterTradeIreland
SLIDES: Marie Ward, NMDDC & Joan Martin, LCC
A Gateway Region Positioned For Growth
Retail Roundtable Update Guidance to Business and Consumers Here
Jan 28th
Brexit : Where we are now? Delivered by Grant Thornton & Louth Enterprise Office
Click here to view Presentation Passcode: FT*unHB1
Grant Thornton Brexit Presentation
LEO - Louth Brexit Presentation
- Returned Goods Relief - The latest eCustoms notification outlines detailed information in relation to returned goods relief: CLICK HERE FOR THE DOCUMENT
- Directed to the IIFA website for a list of customs agents - Full Trading & Affiliated Members: CLICK HERE
- Competition & Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) gave a brief verbal update on consumer protection law and selling/buying post Brexit online: CLICK HERE FOR MORE
Jan 20th
Click the links below for further information on -- InterTradeIreland: Overview of customs agents costs
- Irish International Freight Association: Freight forwarders and agents
- Revenue: Inward Processing & Warehousing information
Jan 18th
The Department of Agriculture Food and Marine document that includes information about SPS checks between GB and NI for products arriving into NI - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Find contact numbers for the Brexit Call centres HERE
If you have a specific query in relation to Brexit and customs matters, please email brexitqueries@revenue.ie
Jan 7th
PBN User Guide and additional clarification on ENS
Further guidance has issued in relation to the completion of Pre-Boarding notifications. It is important to ensure that the data held within the Import declaration and the Entry summary declaration are correct, this includes the arrival times entered on those declarations.- If you wish to sign up for eCustoms notifications, please contact ecustoms@revenue.ie
- Previous notifications can be found HERE
Requirements for AIS and AEP for the purpose of availing of the preference code 300
Please see eCustoms notification 036 2020: CLICK HERE
This outlines the requirements for AIS and AEP for the purpose of availing of the preference code 300. If you are getting an error on an entry in relation to Preference code 300 please send us (ecustoms@revenue.ie) the transaction id and Revenue will be able to investigate it for you.
From the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI)
Information is available on the FSAI - SEE HEREJan 6th
Chambers Ireland have put together an information sheet on EU-UK FTA. For further information regarding Certs of Origin, VAT and EU-NI Trade, download the document below:
Guidance in relation to the Pre-Boarding notification- Revenue issued a press release this morning, Tuesday 5 January, with advice to hauliers and truck drivers moving goods from Great Britain (GB) into Irish ports. FULL DETAILS AVAILABLE HERE
- A Pre-Boarding Notification (PBN) user guide has been added to the website. This is available VIA THIS LINK
- Revenue has also set up a dedicated email support service to deal with all PBN related queries at customsPBN@revenue.ie
INFORMATION FROM REVENUE on the origin of comingled products
For non-preferential origin by the EU Union Customs Code Delegated Act Annex 22 01, the origin of comingled products is obtained using an inventory management system. This means some mixed products would be declared as of one country of origin while others would be declared as another country of origin in proportion to the total product from each country. Tariffs are paid accordingly. It will just go in as two line items instead of one.
For further information see:
Find contact numbers for the Brexit Call centres HERE
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has prepared a document on the issue of the import and export of fresh or chilled meats to/from the UK: DOWNLOAD HEREDFA information/UK contact details for hauliers:
- https://www.dfa.ie/media/dfa/eu/brexit/brexitandyou/Information-for-Hauliers.pdf
- https://www.dfa.ie/media/dfa/eu/brexit/brexitandyou/Hauliers-Doc.pdf
If you have a specific query in relation to Brexit and customs matters, please email brexitqueries@revenue.ie
January 4th 2021
Brexit Contact details for key services
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment customs advice in relation to Irish Ports
Please see below for information:- PDF: Customs Advice from the Revenue Commissioners for Drivers using Dublin Port: CLICK HERE
- PDF: Customs Advice from the Revenue Commissioners for Drivers using Rosslare Europort: CLICK HERE
- PDF: Six key messages for hauliers from the Dublin Port Company: HERE
- Step to Step Guide on how to bring your consignment through Dublin Port which is available to watch on YouTube - CLICK HERE
Brexit - Webinars and 'how to' guides
Presented by Grant Thornton
Click here to view Grant Thornton presentation.
If you have any queries please contact
Janette.Maxwell@ie.gt.com Jarlath.OKeefe@ie.gt.com
Click here to view Local Enterprise Office - Louth presentation
Sponsored by
Local Enterprise Office - Louth
Recent Brexit Updates
Brexit Resources from Revenue
The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation have compiled a list of updated Brexit information which you can view here.
Revenue Readiness Checklist for Business DAFM Brexit Update & Key Messages to Retail Forum
Brexit Key Messages from Food Safety Authority of Ireland & More
If you have a specific query in relation to Brexit and customs matters, please email brexitqueries@revenue.ieBrexit Readiness Checklist
Published Oct 8th
The Brexit Readiness Checklist highlights some of the key actions that businesses can take to get ready for the changes Brexit will bring from 1 January 2021. The checklist includes links to the relevant Agencies who can provide the necessary guidance and support to businesses.
Is your Business Brexit Ready?
Download Practical Steps to get your Business Brexit ready below
Are you Brexit Ready
The ‘Transition Period’ lasts until 31 December 2020. It remains essential that businesses continue to review the ‘Practical Steps’ guide and seek to get fully Brexit ready. Read more https://www.droghedachamber.ie/blog/are-you-brexit-ready-931d7fa9-7034-492f-93fc-214cd706d903
Brexit and Your Business
The UK is due to leave the European Union.
As one of our closest trading and business partners, this will mean change for all Irish businesses – regardless of location, size or sector.
There is no single approach to Getting Brexit Ready and there is uncertainty regarding what Brexit will mean in practice. However, there are 9 key steps that every business should review to see what actions they need to take to be as prepared as possible:
9 Key Steps to Review
- Review your supply chain and UK market strategy
- Understand the new rules for importing from or exporting to the UK
- Be aware of possible changes to transport and logistics for goods transiting via the UK
- Review all your regulation, licencing and certification requirements
- Review your contracts and your data management
- Manage your cash flow, currency and banking
- Protect and inform your staff
- Take advantage of Government Brexit programmes and supports
- Know more about the impact on your sector
If you're worried about how Brexit will impact your business or simply want to find out more visit the following websites for the latest updates and resources.
Enterprise Ireland, Gov.ie, IDA Ireland, Bord Bia, Revenue, SFA, IBEC
Brexit Day: Another Cliff Edge Year Lies Ahead
Chambers Ireland Chief Executive Ian Talbot commented this morning on the UK's formal departure from the European Union taking place today.
"Today marks a very sad day for businesses in Ireland with the departure of the United Kingdom from the EU. Businesses will now hope for a comprehensive, ambitious series of agreements to underpin the future relationship between the UK and the EU.Throughout the Brexit referendum processes and subsequent negotiations we expressed our regret at the UK’s decision to leave the EU. However, it is with a sense of suspended disbelief that as the UK departs, businesses in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Ireland and the rest of the EU have no idea what they now need to prepare for at the end of the transition period.
The unilateral dismissal by the British Government of the mutually agreed option in the Withdrawal Agreement to avail of a two-year extension to the transition agreement must also be taken seriously. As the negotiations for phase two now commence, the realisation of the compromises and concessions required to reach agreement on specific issues will become very real, very quickly and time is on nobody’s side. The cost to business, and the resulting impact on employment and taxes, of this ongoing uncertainty is unquantifiable.
The negotiation and ratification of a comprehensive and ambitious Free Trade Agreement will be a challenge, particularly as there is no precedent for this kind of negotiation where both the UK and the EU will be worse off, rather than better off, following the agreement of a deal.
In Ireland, the incoming Government must ensure that our interests are protected in this next round of negotiations. This will be best achieved by working with the Commission, and other Member States, to agree a negotiating position that supports and sustains a close trading relationship.
It is vital that an agreement facilitates the continuation of the incredibly strong relationship that exists between British and Irish businesses.
Cliff-hangers belong in serial dramas, not in the real economy. We continue to advise all businesses in Ireland to prepare for the possibility of a cliff edge exit on 31 December 2020 and also to engage with any companies in their supply chain either in, or with exposure to, the UK to ensure appropriate measures are being put in place."
For further information please contact Gabriel Doran, Communications & Media Executive on 01 400 4331, 086 608 1605 or email Gabriel.Doran@chambers.ie
Chambers Ireland – Ireland’s largest business network creating the best environment for members locally, regionally and nationally.
- Contact Us
Have a question about Brexit? Contact our office on 041 9833544 or fill in the form below.

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